Common Pool Problems That Require Repairs

Pools require regular maintenance to operate correctly and look their best.

With a great pool comes great responsibility. Pools require regular maintenance to operate correctly and look their best. And sometimes, despite one's best efforts, things can go wrong.

This article will cover the most common pool repair problems and discuss how to fix them.


One of the most common pool problems is leaks. If the pool leaks, get it repaired as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will lose a lot of water, which wastes money and puts a strain on the pool's pump and filtration system. Here are a few indicators that a pool is leaking:

  • The water level is dropping faster than normal

  • There are cracks or gaps in the tile or plaster around the pool

  • There is always moisture on the ground around the pool, even when it hasn't rained or snowed recently

  • Utility bills have increased even though water usage has not changed

Call a professional to make an inspection and determine the best course of action if these signs are present.

Algae growth

Algae can quickly take over a pool if not kept in check, making the water cloudy and green. Not only does this make the pool look unappealing, but it can also be dangerous for swimmers if they ingest the algae. Three main types of algae can grow in pools: green algae, black algae, and pink algae.

Green algae are the most common type and can be controlled with regular chlorine treatments. On the other hand, black algae are more challenging to eliminate and usually require special chemicals or treatments from a professional. Finally, pink algae are relatively rare but can often be controlled with chlorine.

Clogged pump

The number one cause of clogged pumps is leaves and other debris falling into the pool. To prevent this, regularly clean the pool's skimmer basket and pump strainer basket. In addition, investing in a good leaf net is essential to catch any debris before it can fall into the water.

If the pump does become clogged, don't despair. Turn off the power, remove the clog, and restart the pump.

Melted pump fitting

This problem is usually caused by incorrect installation of the pump fitting. To avoid melted pump fittings, be sure that the O-ring is lubricated correctly and that the threads on the fitting are clean and free of debris. If the fitting does melt, replace it.

Cracked tile

Cracked tiles usually arise from improper installation or poor-quality materials. To avoid cracked tiles, be sure to use only high-quality materials rated for outdoor use. Do not worry if there is a cracked tile. It's possible to replace just one tile without replacing the entire pool surface.

If you have a pool need, whether it’s service, renovation, repair, lighting, or something else, call Magic Matt’s Pools at 623-255-2239 today!


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