Don't Make These Pool Maintenance Mistakes!

If homeowners want to enjoy their pool for the entire season, they need to clean it properly. However, pool maintenance is more challenging than it might seem. Here are some of the most common pool maintenance mistakes homeowners make:

Not checking or ignoring the pH balance

One of the most critical pool maintenance steps is checking the water's pH balance. Not checking the pH balance and the alkalinity regularly, or even at all, can lead to a chemical imbalance. Since a low pH balance can damage pool equipment, checking the pool's chemistry should be done at least twice a week.

Not cleaning the pool filter regularly

The filter is one of the essential parts of a pool. It must stay clean for the entire season. Not cleaning the filter can result in improper filtration, debris buildup, and algae increase. Note that it's also important not to clean the pool filter too often. The exact schedule for cleaning or backwashing the pool filter depends on the filter tank's pressure gauge, which should be between 10 and 15 psi.

Draining the pool water

Most pool owners completely drain the pool to clean it, but this is a mistake. No more than one-third of the pool water should be drained. Anything more can cause the vinyl liner to dry out or shrink. To avoid replacing the liner, avoid draining the pool water entirely.

Not cleaning the pool after any animals have used it

The pool should be thoroughly cleaned if pets have used it. Dog hair can get in the pool filter and create a huge problem. Not to mention that pets usually carry lots of bacteria and germs in their fur, contaminating the pool water.

Not brushing the tiles

Even if homeowners clean their pools themselves, doing so inadequately is almost the same as not doing it. After vacuuming the pool, the next step is to brush the tiles. Every corner and crevice of the pool should be brushed, from the area behind the ladder to the stairs. Doing this at least once a week will ensure the pool is squeaky-clean.

Wearing anything other than swimwear in the pool

This might seem obvious but wearing anything other than a swimsuit is not a good idea. Clothes made from cotton can release pollutants like oils and germs into the water. It's better to stick with swimsuits made from nylon or spandex.

Neglecting the pool's water level

The pool's water level is another factor to consider. If it's overfilled, all the debris and the dirt from the surface will make its way to the pool's bottom. Not only that, but water will soak the area around the pool. Similarly, if there isn't enough water in the pool, it could damage the water pump.

Avoid making these pool maintenance mistakes this summer

There's more to cleaning a pool than just replacing the water and cleaning the filter. Proper maintenance ensures that the pool has a long lifespan and can be enjoyed every summer. In the event of problems cleaning the pool, it is best to contact a professional pool maintenance company.

If you have a pool need, whether it’s service, renovation, repair, lighting, or something else, call Magic Matt’s Pools at 623-255-2239 today!


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