Hot Tub Repairs

Hot tubs, like any other large appliance, will occasionally have a small repair issue which requires attention, so it doesn’t become a more significant, more expensive problem. The most important thing to remember for safety’s sake is not to examine any of the working parts while the electricity is on. Water and electricity work well together if an individual has the expertise to handle them safely, which means always shutting off the unit and the breaker box or GFCI.

Here are some of the more common issues spa owners might call in for a repair:



In spite of the panic many people feel when they notice their spa leaking, it’s almost never the shell. There are several places that can spring leaks, including the pump, the light, the filter, and the plumbing (usually the fittings). By removing the cabinet panel, it’s sometimes possible to find the leak immediately, since much of the plumbing is there. If not, the leak may be one of the jets, which will mean the spa foam will have to be dug out from around them.


The pump can have a number of issues. The pump is the big muscle of your hot tub, so it stands to reason that it should be kept in good working order.

If you hear an unpleasant noise, you may have a pump issue. The internal part of the pump is the impeller, which is what makes the water move. If the bearings go bad or it gets stuck, it will make a whirring or growling sound. 

The external part is the motor. If the motor isn’t working, it might be that the breaker tripped. If the motor is running, but the impeller isn’t, it’s usually caused by either a clog or a malfunctioning impeller.  


If your hot tub is not working at all, this can be caused by a pump problem or a wiring issue; make sure it’s getting power before you call for a repair. Check for a flipped breaker or GFCI, and look for wiring damage such as burned insulation or gnaw marks.


Low pH is acidic and will corrode metal parts such as those in the heater. High pH will lead to scale, which is hard on plastic and rubber components such as O-rings and gaskets. Since none of these issues are things the spa owner can see, the best and easiest way to keep these issues from occurring is to test and stabilize the water on a regular basis. This is particularly important in areas where the water has a naturally high or low pH, and the spa has just been refilled. 


In addition to pH testing and control, other preventative measures can be used to keep repairs at bay. Having the hot tub cover on tightly when not in use is an excellent way to keep dirt, debris, and refuse out of the water. The unit should be cleaned with a good-quality jacuzzi soap, and the filter cartridge should also be cleaned on a regular basis.

Since a spa is a home improvement and an investment, it’s worthwhile to keep it in good working order and problem free.

If you have a pool need, whether it’s service, renovation, repair, lighting, or something else, call Magic Matt’s Pools at 623-255-2239 today!


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