The Basics of Pool Maintenance
As any pool owner can attest, being committed to regular maintenance makes the pool a pleasure to use and increases its longevity.
The benefits of owning a luxurious pool include cool, refreshing summer dips, parties, get-togethers, and more time for exercise. In addition, as any pool owner can attest, being committed to regular maintenance makes the pool a pleasure to use and increases its longevity.
If one has just installed a pool or purchased a property with a pool, please keep reading for these pool maintenance basics.
Understanding the pool’s components
The first step to excellent pool maintenance is understanding its components:
The water
The pool’s water pH needs to be kept balanced. This is achieved through water treatments like chlorine and balancing chemistry to keep the water components within their proper levels. Balanced pool water maintains the pool structure and equipment, such as the pool pump. Checking the chlorine levels two to three times per week is best.
The liner or interior wall
Pool liners vary; some are solid walls, while others have a vinyl lining sheet. How the wall is maintained depends on its type.
Brushing the pool walls will remove dirt, debris, and algae spores trying to set up a home. Keeping the walls clean is the number one method to prevent algae and should be done one to two times a week.
The filtration system
The filtration system is one of the essential parts of a pool. It uses a pump to force water through the skimmers and other filters before returning the clean water to the pool. But first, one must disassemble it to remove debris and clean it thoroughly. Depending on the pool size, clean the filter between three and four times a year.
The cover
The pool cover keeps leaves and debris out of the water. It is also helpful in trapping the heat to warm the water in spring, protecting the water chemicals, and preventing people or animals from falling in. The pool cover should be checked for damage and gently scrubbed with mild detergent approximately every three months.
The three C’s of pool maintenance
As a beginner to pool maintenance, remembering the three C’s is a perfect place to start. To look after a pool well, always meet these three C’s: chemicals, cleaning, and circulation.
Balanced chemicals
These are some chemicals required to keep the pool bacteria-free and sanitized:
Chlorine or bromine
pH increaser/decreaser
Calcium chloride to adjust the calcium hardness of the pool
Shock treatment for deep cleaning
Regular cleaning
Regular cleaning makes pool upkeep more manageable and may highlight potential issues early. The main items to keep clean are the filter, the floor, and the walls.
Good circulation
If the pool water isn’t moving correctly, it will turn green, unclean, and unsafe. To ensure good circulation, run the pump regularly, keep the filter clean, and keep the pool clean and balance the water.
Hire a pool specialist for a healthy pool
There’s more to pool maintenance than skimming a net across the surface. Its components require regular attention, and the work necessary for a healthy pool may be overwhelming for a new pool owner. So, consider hiring a swimming pool maintenance professional to preserve the pool for current and future enjoyment.
If you have a pool need, whether it’s service, renovation, repair, lighting, or something else, call Magic Matt’s Pools at 623-255-2239 today!